21 Facts About AI We Bet You Didn’t Know

Rohan Roy

Jul 19, 2024

AI/ML Development

Artificial intelligence refers to computing technologies capable of replacing human intelligence in the performance of specific activities. The phrase can also refer to any machine that demonstrates characteristics associated with the human mind, such as learning and problem solving.

When most people hear the word artificial intelligence, they immediately think of robots. Artificial intelligence is founded on the idea that human intelligence may be described in such a way that a computer can simply duplicate it and carry out activities ranging from simple to extremely complicated. Artificial Intelligence aims to improve learning, reasoning, and perception. Artificial intelligence is not a system; nevertheless, it is integrated into one.

In this article, we will discuss astonishing AI facts that may surprise you and help you appreciate this phenomenal technical breakthrough.

History, current and future of of AI 

AI dates back to the early 1950s, when Alan Turing released his key article, "Computing Machinery and Intelligence." In this work, Turing suggested that it was conceivable to develop machines capable of thinking and reasoning like humans.

In the decades that ensued, AI research advanced significantly. In the 1960s, researchers created the first synthetic neural networks, which were inspired by the human brain. In the 1970s, AI researchers created the first systems of experts, which are software programs that can offer advice or make choices in a certain subject.

In the 1980s, AI research suffered a setback as researchers struggled to make meaningful advances. However, in the 1990s, AI research witnessed a comeback as new technologies such as machine learning and processing of natural languages emerged.

Today, artificial intelligence is a fast expanding field with a significant impact on our world with the usage of AI and ML development service. AI is utilized in a variety of applications, including. Self-driving automobiles where Artificial intelligence is being used to create self-driving cars that can handle the road without human involvement.

Medical diagnosis and AI-powered service is an area where AI is being applied to create new approaches for diagnosing disorders. AI-based fraud detection detects illicit activity such as credit card fraud. Customer service enabled by AI is used to deliver services such as answering queries and addressing problems.

The future of artificial intelligence is bright. AI has the potential to transform many parts of our life, including the way we travel and receive medical treatment. In the following years, we should expect even more advancements in AI. AI is anticipated to become increasingly intelligent and capable. It is also expected to become more inexpensive and accessible.

It is essential to be aware of the possible risks of AI, but it is as important to realize that this technology has the ability to offer numerous benefits to our world. With careful planning and creation, we can ensure that AI is employed for benefit rather than harm.

Facts about AI

  1. The AI knowledge engineering bottleneck is a difficulty caused by the necessity to provide an AI with sufficient knowledge before it can begin learning.

  1. What is Stephen Hawking's perspective on AI? It will be either the best or worst thing that has ever happened to humanity. We don't yet know which." That's a fairly large "either." AI may be able to heal cancer or assist a missile in deciding to return to its launchers. In any case, Hawking believes AI will be the most significant technological advancement since the Industrial Revolution.

  1. Stanford University professor John McCarthy coined the term "artificial intelligence" in 1955.

  1. According to Moravec's paradox, a computer can perform mathematical calculations like Bernoulli yet lacks the motor abilities of a toddler. It is easier to program a computer to accomplish the difficult things (logic, algebra, chess) than the simple things (such as distinguishing between an oncoming car and a plastic bag drifting by). 

Moravec's paradox appears to have surprised many AI programmers, who assumed that if they could train computers to beat Garry Kasparov at chess, simple tasks like walking the stairs would be easy. No such luck. When the robot armies attack, we will be rescued by flights of staircases and kindergarten guessing games.

  1. Hephaestus, the Greek god, built golden robots to aid him move around. This is a significant example about Artificial Intelligence in ancient times. 

  1. Elon Musk is concerned about AI's influence on humans. He founded Neuralink to develop gadgets that connect human brains to computers. This sounds terrific until you realize your terrible experience playing Thomas Jefferson in the fourth grade musical could end up in a public cloud. Current ransomware is nothing compared to a hacker threatening to transmit videos of you in a school play to your coworkers' brains.

  1. 87% of current AI adopters have stated they were using or planning to use AI for their sales forecasting and email marketing.

  1. Christopher Strachey, a teacher and amateur coder, created one of the first successful artificial intelligence programs.

  1. Microsoft is incorporating AI into everything it offers across computer platforms and experiences.

  1. Voice search will complicate SEO by providing users with only one result from a single data source.

  1. Deep learning is a subclass of AI that educates machines to think like humans by simulating the complexity of the human mind.

  1. 51% of small business owners believe AI is vital for investing in new technology.

  1. A European Parliament Committee suggested that AIs be granted human rights while simultaneously having a kill switch.

  1. According to three Chinese academics, Google's AI-powered service outperforms Siri's.

  1. Many large financial institutions have their own AI systems that predict market shifts.

  1. Google's artificial intelligence, Assistant, will be available for both iPhone and Android. Some predict that AI will be powerful enough to create a new platform.

  1. AI can assist your customer support representatives in avoiding offending clients.

  1. Deep Blue was the first AI robot that was created in 1996. On February 10, 1996, a chess-playing computer won its first game versus a world champion.

  1. Google is utilizing AI to create new types of music and sound. Google's NSynth, which combines the sounds of two different instruments into a single new sound, allows musicians to produce a variety of music. Google developers fed thousands of various instrument sounds into NSynth, and the AI can replicate, combine, and alter them.

  1. Wildbook scans and analyses animal photographs to produce more accurate wildlife censuses. The team's AI-powered study assisted the Kenyan authorities in protecting a Zebra species from an extremely high number of lion assaults.

  1. By 2025, it is estimated that 10% of IT investment would be allocated to AI-related activities. We're one step closer to AI-powered enterprises.


Artificial Intelligence is anticipated to surpass human intelligence at its peak around 2045. At that time, AI will automate some industries, but it will also create approximately 2 million new jobs.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful technology with the potential to transform many parts of our life. With proper planning and development, we may make sure that AI is employed for benefit rather than harm.

We have reached an extraordinary time in human history where AI has become practically ubiquitous in our daily lives, and we have just scratched the surface. So if you want your business to be AI powered, then you may Hire AI Developers

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